Thanks to Lenville Sweet, Vet to Vet Tennessee presented QPR Suicide Prevention to the staff at William Blount High School, Maryville Tennessee during their in-service training on January 22, 2019. Almost 100 attended! We were advised by Assistant Principal Lisa Collins that almost 100% of the staff have been trained in suicide prevention at least twice but only one or two had QPR Gatekeeper training. Tough audience knowing they have had previous training.
So we asked the audience to complete the pre/post survey with their previous training in mind and compare the other types of training to QPR. 95% of the surveys were returned. We received a 8.64 grade, however, One attendee rated the training a two (2) which is the lowest score ever recorded by VTVT. This survey was the 1st in over 1,000 post surveys received that “Would not recommend QPR training to others”. However the attended also stated that they would use the training in their current role. Surprised by the response. Wish the individual would have commented.
Please review the AAR and let us know if you have any comments or questions. This was Lenville’s second class since he received his instructor certification and has taught almost 200 gatekeepers. Great work Lenville.