November 10, 2018 Blount County Tennessee.
The United Veterans of Blount County hosted Blount County’s 50th Veterans Day Celebration at Rio Revolution Church. Special Guest speaker was Lt. Col Army Ellison “Vic” Vickery gave an inspirational service and sacrifice speech.
Vic’s told us that he never felt comfortable responding to anyone who “thanked him for his service” until his wife suggested responding with “You’re worth it!”
Thank you Mrs. Vickery for your recommendation.
We are grateful to all who have served, whether in peacetime or in periods of conflict. Especially for those who have fought on the battlefield, those who continue to bear wounds both seen and unseen. We pray for physical healing and God’s peace in your life.
On behalf of the Knoxville Regional Veterans Mental Health Council and Vet to Vet Tennessee we wish everyone a blessed and happy Veterans Day.